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Einstein Telescope on Flemish roadmap for large research infrastructures

In May 2020, the Flemish government presented a roadmap for large scale research infrastructures. It’s the first time they published a complete overview of new and existing research infrastructures in Flanders, and infrastructures the government has invested in since 2011. They also included the future Einstein Telescope in this overview. This confirms the importance of the Einstein Telescope for Flanders.

The Einstein Telescope will be the first of a new generation of gravitational wave detectors. It will be located 200-300m under ground. The Euregion Meuse-Rhine and Sardinia are both candidate sites for this facility. Not only will the Einstein Telescope enable scientists to detect what happened right after the big bang for the first time. The observatory will also stimulate a creative and innovative research environment, entrepreneurship and unique educational opportunities. All Flemish universities are part of the Einstein Telescope collaboration. They are working on new instrumentation, scientific studies and geological studies.

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