Province of Limburg (NL): ban on wind turbines in search and protection area Einstein Telescope

The Limburg Parliament (Provincial Council of Dutch Limburg) will not allow the construction or licensing of wind turbines, mining and excavation in the search and protection area of the Einstein Telescope and in a 10-kilometre zone around it. This decision was taken to eliminate risks of ground noise and thus optimally protect the competitiveness of this site for the observatory.
With this decision, the board and politicians endorse the May 2022 letter from the Dutch research institute Nikhef, which asked not to allow any developments that could potentially cause additional ground noise in the deeper layers where Einstein Telescope will be built.
The proposal to amend the provincial regulations for this purpose received an overwhelming majority in the Limburg parliament.
An additional motion was also passed stating that the Einstein Telescope should not be adversely affected in any way by existing or new wind turbines. The same motion called to search for alternatives to achieve regional energy goals.
Photo: Aron Nijs