Enthusiasm from the ‘Grey Cells’

The Einstein Telescope and the opportunities offered by the underground observatory are also very much in the picture in Flanders. This was evident again recently during an anniversary lecture at Hasselt University.
Jos Lantmeeters, governor of the province of (Belgian) Limburg, and Ken Haenen, vice-rector of UHasselt, welcomed the more than 400 interested people in the packed auditorium of Hasselt University. After introductory lectures by professors Alexandre Sevrin (Vrije Universiteit Brussel) and Nick van Remortel (Universiteit Antwerpen), project leader Hans Plets moderated a lively and enthusiastic debate between the two speakers, fuelled by a barrage of questions from students, experts and interested parties.
The main question was whether in a few years’ time the choice for the construction of the Einstein Telescope will actually fall on the Meuse-Rhine Euroregion. Of course the answer to this question could not be given, but those present were given a good idea of what has been set in motion to get from the current feasibility phase to a rock-solid bid book.
The evening was part of the lustrum lectures of UHasselt and the Limburg lectures of the governor and the provincial government (deputation) in cooperation with the scientific lecture and debate series Grijze Cellen of EOS and the Fonds Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek Vlaanderen.