Einstein Telescope presents progress in Brussels

On 10 January, researchers, companies and government representatives met at research funder FWO in Brussels to discuss the progress of the Einstein Telescope project in the Euregio Meuse-Rhine.
Einstein Telescope is alive and well in Belgium, the Netherlands and Germany, a meeting on the pioneering observatory in Brussels showed. More than 40 representatives from knowledge institutions, national and regional governments, the Euregio Meuse-Rhine and development companies from the three countries updated each other on progress in the project on 10 January.
After a word of welcome by host Hans Plets, project leader for Einstein Telescope in Flanders, Dutch quartermasters Guido Derks and Stan Bentvelsen gave a review of the steps taken over the past year within the project. They also outlined the steps towards a joint bid book for the Einstein Telescope in the Meuse-Rhine Euroregion.
Besides a plenary part, there were also parallel sessions on R&D and perspectives for cooperation with industry, planning and geological research, and cross-border communication with partners and residents in the Euregio. The overall conclusion of the progress day by Hans Plets: “this will be the year of joining hands to make a strong bid book together to host Einstein Telescope in our three countries!”