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Einstein Telescope visits Nano Conference Dortmund

On 23 and 24 May, the Einstein Telescope team visited the NRW Nano Conference in Dortmund, Germany’s largest trade fair in the field of nanotechnology and advanced materials. Among others, the team presented the Einstein Telescope and its preparatory projects to Minister for Economic Affairs Mona Neubaur of the state of North Rhine-Westphalia.

“For the Einstein Telescope, we need all kinds of applications in the field of nanotechnology,” says Jorg van der Meij of the Dutch Limburg investment company LIOF, who is responsible for the valorisation theme within the Einstein Telescope team. “So when our partner NWMP invited us to the Nano Conference, we didn’t have to think for long. Through the exhibition floor at the conference, we were in contact with some 350 representatives of companies, researchers and policymakers.”

The euregional business developer team of ET2SMEs visited the Nano Conference to inspire and enthuse visitors about the Einstein Telescope. That observatory for gravitational waves is to be 10 times more sensitive than its predecessors, and represents an opportunity for companies to push the boundaries of their technology. The experience from other Big Science projects such as the European particle lab CERN is that those techniques can then be applied outside science.

The Einstein Telescope presence at the Nano Conference was organised by representatives of LIOF, NWMP, AGIT, Université de Liège, POM Limburg and Nikhef. Einstein Telescope in the Euregio Meuse-Rhine has several collaborations with industry in the ET2SMEs and E-TEST programmes.

Einstein Telescope stand at the Nano Conference 2023 in Dortmund

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