Renewed pop-up expo debuts at Nerdland

We couldn’t have wished for a better stage for the renewed pop-up expo featuring the film about the Einstein Telescope. The Nerdland Festival in the Flemish town of Wachtebeke recently had the premiere of the “pimped” and internationally updated expo. The film is dubbed in four languages and the information panels have been updated. The expo was located in the tent of the Fund for Scientific Research (FWO) Flanders.
Many of the more than 20,000 visitors had already heard about the plans to build the Einstein Telescope in the border region of Belgium, the Netherlands, and Germany, thanks to a podcast about it that was launched during the first edition of Nerdland a year earlier. Enthusiastic project staff and employees of POM Limburg provided a fresh update for the film.
The Einstein Telescope EMR project office lends the pop-up expo free of charge to organizers of events with an Einstein Telescope connection. However, transport and set-up costs are to be paid by the organisation.