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‘Gravity is the least understood fundamental force’

Giacomo Bruno, professor at UCLouvain and experimental physicist, is a key player in gravitational wave research. His group is collaborating on the Virgo detector in Italy and on the future Einstein Telescope (ET). Until 2018, he conducted his research at CERN, notably on the CMS experiment at the LHC large particle accelerator. In this interview, he explores the links between CERN and the ET.

Giacomo Bruno

Pushing the boundaries of human knowledge

Physicists know that our universe is regulated by four fundamental forces, of which gravity is the least known. Giacomo Bruno sees the Einstein Telescope project as a way to shed light on this mystery, just as CERN has been able to do with the other three fundamental forces.

“There are strong parallels between CERN’s research and the planned research for the ET. CERN studies three fundamental forces (electromagnetic, strong and weak) using particle accelerators, whereas ET will focus on gravity. The fundamental forces determine the dynamics of the universe, so any discovery in one of these laboratories has an impact on the other,” explains the professor.

“As at CERN, ET instruments are complex and require decades of development and collaboration by many scientists,” he adds. “About 2,000 to 3,000 researchers are involved in the ET, compared with 15,000 at CERN. Both projects aim to push the boundaries of human knowledge. Gravity is the least understood force and the universe is largely uncharted territory. Gravitational waves offer a new way to observe the universe and get closer to the Big Bang.

Moreover, the work being done on the Einstein Telescope and CERN is not limited to the scientific community. Both instruments offer huge potential in terms of technologies and impact on key areas of excellence.”

Technological progress

The Einstein Telescope has huge potential for scientific, economic and technological spin-offs. “In the long term, fundamental research underpins almost all technological progress. In the short and medium term, such projects will boost technological innovation,” Bruno explains. “CERN has enabled crucial technologies such as the World Wide Web and nuclear medicine. The ET could similarly be a catalyst for the development of advanced systems for vacuums, vibration isolation, ultra-stable lasers and precise coatings.”

While these innovations are aimed at the exploration of the universe, they could soon be applied in sectors such as telecommunications and precision engineering. “This is being done in collaboration with high-tech industries, simultaneously improving their skills and the performance of their products,” says Bruno. “This collaboration between fundamental research and industrial applications is essential for advancements.”

A knowledge centre for future generations

Like CERN, Giacomo Bruno sees the Einstein Telescope as a future hub for attracting researchers: “CERN inspires with its culture of excellence, and the ET too – although more modest – will attract scientists and encourage new generations.”

CERN, which receives over 100,000 visitors a year, including many schools, is a model for popularising science. Bruno hopes the ET will have a similar effect: “The region will benefit from public engagement and the training of young scientists.”

The role of science for society

Finally, Giacomo Bruno stresses the importance of fundamental research for society. “It is crucial for creating, maintaining and improving knowledge. For young people, fundamental science is a fascinating adventure that allows them to explore the unknown,” he says. “This engagement is essential, especially in a world where reality is often challenged by unreliable media channels. I believe the Einstein Telescope is going to play a key role in preserving and advancing human knowledge.”

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